I Ching Hexagram nr. 63
Jì Jì or Chi Chi – Already Fording, after completion, already done. |
![]() Øverst |
Trigram: K’an The Abysmal, Water |
![]() Nederst |
Trigram: Li The Clinging, Flame |
Beskrivelse af billedet
Vand over Ilden: billedet af tilstanden efter afslutning. Således den overlegne mand forudser ulykke og beskytter sig på forhånd.
Når vandet i en kedel hænger over ilden – de to elementer står i relation og dermed generere energi (jf produktion af damp). Men den resulterende spænding kræver forsigtighed. Hvis vandet koger over, slukkes ilden og dens energi er tabt. Hvis varmen er for stor, fordamper vandet i luften. Disse elementer som her er i relation til hinanden er naturlige modsætninger og fjendtlige over for hinanden.
Kun de mest ekstreme forsigtighed kan forhindre skader. Også i livet er der tidspunkter, hvor alle kræfter er i balance og arbejder i harmoni, så alt ser ud til at være i den bedste orden. På sådanne tidspunkter er det kun den vise som er opmærksom på de øjeblikke, der lover fare og forstår at forvise den ved hjælp af rettidig forholdsregler.
The Image
Water over fire: the image of the condition In After Completion. Thus the superior man takes thought of misfortune and arms himself against it in advance.
When water in a kettle hangs over fire, the two elements stand in relation and thus generate energy (cf. the production of steam). But the resulting tension demands caution. If the water boils over, the fire is extinguished an its energy is lost. If the heat is too great, the water evaporates into the air. These elements here brought in to relation and thus generating energy are by nature hostile to each other.
Only the most extreme caution can prevent damage. In life too there are junctures when all forces are in balance and work in harmony, so that everything seems to be in the best of order. In such times only the sage recognizes the moments that bode danger and knows how to banish it by means of timely precautions.
I Ching helt enkeltHexagram nr. 63Dette hexagram viser os, at bevægelsen fra kaos til orden er fuldført. Dette tidspunkt er ekstremt gunstigt, og det er sandsynligt at du vil opnå en stor mængde succes, så længe du tager notits af Chi Chi’s advarsel: Forbliv på vagt over for urette tanker, holdninger og handlinger, både i dig selv og hos andre. Vi når kun frem til disse gunstige situationer ved at følge vejen for korrekt adfærd. Når vi har opnået succes eller står foran den, er det en del af vor natur at ville slappe af og lade vort ego sole sig i æren. Vender du tilbage til denne form for skødesløshed nu, vil du ødelægge alt det, du har arbejdet på at opbygge. Det er vigtigt ikke at udvise ligegyldighed over for åndelige detaljer nu: Hvis en tanke eller handling så meget som er på grænsen til det ukorrekte, kassére den da og vend øjeblikkeligt tilbage til den Vises vej. Det ene øjeblik sopper vi i bassinet, det næste svømmer vi i det, og det næste igen drukner vi. Derfor er det langt visere simpelthen at forblive på tørt land. Du tilrådes også at forblive på vagt over for mindreværdige påvirkninger. Den eneste måde at forebygge ulykke på er at forudse den, og dette opnås gennem årvågenhed. Chi Chi’s billede viser os en kedel vand, kogende over ilden. Der er stor kraft involveret heri, men denne fortabes, hvis man lader vandet koge over eller fordampe i kraft af skødesløshed og ligegladhed. Vagtsomhed og samvittighedsfuld fastholdelse af det korrekte, er dagens løsen, hvis du ønsker at forlænge din gunstige skæbne lige nu. Generelt Hver triumf bringer nye udfordringer. Kærlighed Dit forhold vil bevæge sig ind i en dybere fase. Forretning Fejr dine præstationer, men sørg for at konsolidere din succes. Personligt Fejr din succes og læg planer for at komme ind i en ny fase af dit liv. |
From the book I Ching. The transition from confusion to order is completed, and everything is in its proper place even in particulars. The strong lines are in the strong places, the weak lines in the weak places. This is a very favorable outlook, yet it gives reason for thought. For it is just when perfect equilibrium has been reached that any movement may cause order to revert to disorder. The one strong line that has moved to the top, thus effecting complete order in details, is followed by the other lines. Each moving according to its nature, and thus suddenly there arises again the hexagram P’i, STANDSTILL. Hence the present hexagram indicates the conditions of a time of climax, which necessitate the utmost caution. |
Overgangen fra forvirring til orden er afsluttet, og alt er på sin rette plads. De stærke linjer er i den stærke steder, de svage linier i de svage steder. Dette er meget gunstige udsigter, men det giver anledning til eftertanke. For det er netop, når perfekt ligevægt er nået, at enhver bevægelse kan forårsage for at vende tilbage til uorden.
Den ene stærke line, der er flyttet til toppen, således at fuldstændig orden i detaljer er opnået, efterfølges af de andre linjer. Hver flytter efter sin art, og dermed opstår pludselig igen hexagram p’i, stilstand. Derfor udgør det nuværende hexagram betingelserne for en tid med klimaks, som nødvendiggør den største forsigtighed. |

Nederste linje
Nine at the beginning means: He breaks his wheels. He gets his tail in the water. No blame.
In times following a great transition, everything is pressing forward, striving in the direction of development and progress. But this pressing forward at the beginning is not good; it overshoots the mark and leads with certainty to loss and collapse. Therefore a man of strong character does not allow himself to be infected by the general intoxication but checks his course in time. He may indeed not remain altogether untouched by the disastrous consequences of the general pressure, but he is hit only from behind like a fox that, having crossed the water, at the last minute gets its tail wet. He will not suffer any real harm because his behavior has been correct.
At blive beruset af muligheden for succes og kaste sig efterladende frem er at invitere ulykken indenfor. Gå roligt og eftertænksomt frem, og din fremgang vil vare ved.

Linje 2
Six in the second place means: The woman loses the curtain of her carriage. Do not run after it; On the seventh day you will get it.
When a woman drove out in her carriage, she had a curtain that hid her from the glances of the curious. It was regarded as a breach of propriety to drive on if this curtain was lost. Applied to public life, this means that a man who wants to achieve something is not receiving that confidence of the authorities which he needs, so to speak, for his personal protection. Especially in times ‘after completion’ it may happen that those who have come to power grow arrogant and conceited and no longer trouble themselves about fostering new talent.
This as a rule results in office seeking. If a man’s superiors withhold their trust from him, he will seek ways and means of getting it and of drawing attention to himself. We are warned against such an unworthy procedure: ‘Do not seek it.’ Do not throw yourself away on the world, but wait tranquilly and develop your personal worth by your own efforts. Times change. When the six stages of the hexagram have passed, the new era dawns. That which is a man’s own cannot be permanently lost. It comes to him of its own accord. He need only be able to wait.
Kan du ikke få andres anerkendelse eller samarbejde, skal du ikke jagte den eller dømme dem for hårdt. Gennem beskedenhed og accept når du dine mål.

Linje 3
Nine in the third place means: The Illustrious Ancestor disciplines the Devil’s Country. After three years he conquers it. Inferior people must not be employed.
‘Illustrious Ancestor’ is the dynastic title of the Emperor Wu Ting of the Yin dynasty. After putting his realm in order with a strong hand, he waged long colonial wars for the subjection of the Huns who occupied the northern borderland with constant threat of incursions. The situation described is as follows.
After times of completion, when a new power has arisen and everything within the country has been set in order, a period of colonial expansion almost inevitably follows. Then as a rule long-drawn-out struggles must be reckoned with. For this reason, a correct colonial policy is especially important. The territory won at such bitter cost must not be regarded as an almshouse for people who in one way or another have hade themselves impossible at home, but who are thought to be quite good enough for the colonies. Such a policy ruins at the outset any chance of success. This holds true in small as well as large matters, because it is not only rising states that carry on a colonial policy; the urge to expand, with its accompanying dangers, is part and parcel of every ambitious undertaking.
Hvis succes har bragt nye ansvar i dit liv, så prøv at uddelegere det ordentligt ved at vælge folk af talent og evne til at arbejde sammen med dig. Dette vil ikke være en nem opgave, så fokusere dine energier.

Linje 4
Six in the fourth place means: The finest clothes turn to rags. Be careful all day long.
In a time of flowering culture, an occasional convulsion is bound to occur, uncovering a hidden evil within society and at first causing a great sensation. But since the situation is favorable on the whole, such evils can easily be glossed over and concealed from the public. Then everything is forgotten and peace apparently reigns complacently once more. However, to the thoughtful man, such occurrences are grave omens that he does not neglect. This is the only way of averting evil consequences.
Selv om det er vigtigt ikke at overreagere, er det nødvendigt at fjerne de små problemer, før de får lov til at blive store.

Linje 5
Nine in the fifth place means: The neighbor in the east who slaughters an ox does not attain as much real happiness as the neighbor in the west with his small offering.
Religious attitudes are likewise influenced by the spiritual atmosphere prevailing in times after completion. In divine worship the simple old forms are replaced by an ever more elaborate ritual and an ever greater outward display. But inner seriousness is lacking in this show of magnificence; human caprice takes the place of conscientious obedience to the divine will. However, while man sees what is before his eyes, God looks into the heart. Therefore a simple sacrifice offered with real piety holds a greater blessing than an impressive service without warmth.
Det er vigtigt at huske, at rigdom ikke er et tegn på guddommelighed. I tider med velstand, er det afgørende at fastholde ydmyghed og bevare godhed i hjertet. Hvad enten rige eller fattige, intet er vigtigere end oprigtighed, beskedenhed og ærlighed i hvad der tilbydes.

Øverste linje
Six at the top means: He gets his head in the water. Danger.
Here in conclusion another warning is added. After crossing a stream, a man’s head can get into the water only if he is so imprudent as to turn back. As long as he goes forward and does not look back, he escapes this danger. But there is a fascination in standing still and looking back on a peril overcome. However, such vain self-admiration brings misfortune. It leads only to danger, and unless one finally resolves to go forward without pausing, one falls a victim to this danger.
Når man har forceret en farlig klippe, er der en naturlig tendens til at se tilbage, og beundre sig selv for at have overvundet udfordringen. Men dvælende kan udgøre en større fare. Fortsæt fremad uden at se dig tilbage.
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Chien | Tui | Li | Chên | Sun | K’an | Kên | K’un | |
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