I Ching Hexagram nr. 62
Xiǎo Guò or Hsiao Kuo – Small Exceeding, preponderance of the small, small surpassing |
![]() Øverst |
Trigram: Chên The Arousing, Thunder |
![]() Nederst |
Trigram: Kên Keeping Still, Mountain |
Tordenpå bjerget: Billedet af overvægt af de små. Således i hans adfærd den overlegne mand giver overvægt til ærbødighed. I dødsfald giver han overvægt til sorg. I sine udgifter giver han overvægt til sparsommelighed.
Torden på bjerget er forskellig fra torden på sletten. I bjergene, torden synes meget nærmere; udenfor bjergene, er det mindre hørbar end Torden en almindelig storm. Således den overlegne mand udleder en nødvendighed fra billedet:
Han skal altid ordne hans øjne tættere og mere direkte på vagt, end den almindelige mand, selv om dette kan gøre hans opførsel synes smålige for omverdenen. Han er usædvanligt samvittighedsfuld i sine handlinger. I dødsfald følelser betyder mere for ham end højtideligheden. I alle hans personlige udgifter, han er meget enkel og uhøjtidelig. I sammenligning med manden i masserne, alt dette gør ham skiller sig ud som ekstraordinære. Men den afgørende betydning af hans holdning er, at han i eksterne anliggender er på den side af den ringe.
The Image
Thunder on the mountain: The image of PREPONDERANCE OF THE SMALL. Thus in his conduct the superior man gives preponderance to reverence. In bereavement he gives preponderance to grief. In his expenditures he gives preponderance to thrift.
Thunder on the mountain is different from thunder on the plain. In the mountains, thunder seems much nearer; outside the mountains, it is less audible than the thunder of an ordinary storm. Thus the superior man derives an imperative from this image:
he must always fix his eyes more closely and more directly on duty than does the ordinary man, even though this might make his behavior seem petty to the outside world. He is exceptionally conscientious in his actions. In bereavement emotion means more to him than ceremoniousness. In all his personal expenditures he is extremely simple and unpretentious. In comparison with the man of the masses, all this makes him stand out as exceptional. But the essential significance of his attitude lies in the fact that in external matters he is on the side of the lowly.
I Ching helt enkeltHexagram nr. 62Dette er en tid med vanskelige og farlige omstændigheder. Lad dig ikke forlede til at kæmpe, stræbe eller søge løsninger gennem aggressiv handling. Succes opnås kun ved i beskedenhed at vente på den Vises vejledning. Anstrengende tider tester vores fuldstændighed og forpligtelse over for rette principper. Gennemsnitspersonen reagerer på udfordringer med frygt, vrede, mistro over for skæbnen og et stædigt ønske om at slå ud og én gang for alle fjerne problemet. Skønt fristelsen til at handle på denne måde kan være stor, vil dette blot føre til ulykke og tabet af tilkæmpet område. Den højerestående person, der konfronteres med vanskeligheder, vælger snarere ikke-handlen end handlen som sin vej. Den kloge fugl stræber hverken efter anerkendelse, beslutsomhed eller efter at søge at opnå en højere position ved at besejre andre. I stedet vender den tilbage til sit centrum og opøver ydmyghed, tålmodighed og samvittighedsfuldhed. På acceptens, selvransagelsens og -forbedringens vej opnår vi den Skabendes hjælp og opnår succes, efter at stormen har lagt sig. Generelt En ophobning af små sejre er den bedste måde at opnå storhed på dette tidspunkt. Kærlighed Styrke kærlighed i dit forhold ved at have opmærksomhed på de små detaljer. Forretning Du skal have fokus på de mindre detaljer i et projekt for at opnå stor succes. Personligt Personlig succes kan opnås ved at fokusere på de mere jordnære aspekter af livet. |
From the book I Ching. While in the hexagram Ta Kuo, PREPONDERANCE OF THE GREAT, the strong lines preponderate and are within, inclosed between weak lines at the top and bottom, the present hexagram has weak lines preponderating, though here again they are on the outside, the strong lines being within. This indeed is the basis of the exceptional situation indicated by the hexagram. When strong lines are outside, we have the hexagram I, PROVIDING NOURISHMENT, or Chung Fu, INNER TRUTH, neither represents and exceptional state. When strong elements within preponderate, they necessarily enforce their will. This creates struggle and exceptional conditions in general. But in the present hexagram it is the weak element that perforce must mediate with the outside world. If a man occupies a position of authority for which he is by nature really inadequate, extraordinary prudence is necessary. |
Mens der i hexagram Ta Kuo, overvægt af den store, stærke linjer preponderate og er inden for, inclosed mellem svage linjer øverst og nederst, den nuværende hexagram har svage linjer preponderating, men her igen er de på ydersiden, de stærke linjer værende inden. Dette faktisk er grundlaget for den usædvanlige situation angivet af hexagram. Når stærke linjer er udenfor, har vi hexagram I, give næring, eller Chung Fu, indre sandhed, hverken repræsenterer og enestående tilstand. Når stærke elementer inden preponderate, de nødvendigvis gennemtvinge deres vilje. Dette skaber kamp og usædvanlige forhold i almindelighed. Men i den nuværende hexagram det er det svage element, Perforce skal mægle med omverdenen. Hvis et menneske indtager en position af autoritet, som han er af natur meget utilstrækkelige, er nødvendig ekstraordinær forsigtighed. |

Nederste linje
Six at the beginning means: The bird meets with misfortune through flying.
A bird ought to remain in the nest until it is fledged. If it tries to fly before this, it invites misfortune. Extraordinary measures should be resorted to only when all else fails. At first we ought to put up with traditional ways as long as possible; otherwise we exhaust ourselves and our energy and still achieve nothing.

Linje 2
Six in the second place means: She passes by her ancestor And meets her ancestress. He does not reach his prince And meets the official. No blame.
Two exceptional situations are instanced here. In the temple of ancestors, where alternation of generations prevails, the grandson stands on the same side as the grandfather. Hence his closest relations are with the grandfather. The present line designates the grandson’s wife, who during the sacrifice passes by the ancestor and goes toward the ancestress. This unusual behavior is, however, an expression of her modesty. She ventures rather to approach the ancestress, for she feels related to her by their common sex. Hence here deviation from the rule is not a mistake. Another image is that of the official who, in compliance with regulation, first seeks an audience with his prince. If he is not successful in this, he does not try to force anything but goes about conscientious fulfillment of his duty, taking his place among the other officials. This extraordinary restraint is likewise not a mistake in exceptional times. (The rule is that every official should first have an audience with the prince by whom he is appointed. Here the appointment is made by the minister.)

Linje 3
Nine in the third place means: If one is not extremely careful, Somebody may come up from behind and strike him. Misfortune.
At certain times extraordinary caution is absolutely necessary. But it is just in such life situations that we find upright and strong personalities who, conscious of being in the right, disdain to hold themselves on guard, because they consider it petty. Instead, they go their way proud and unconcerned. But this self-confidence deludes them. There are dangers lurking for which they are unprepared. Yet such danger is not unavoidable; one can escape it if he understands that the time demands that he pay especial attention to small and insignificant thing.

Linje 4
Nine in the fourth place means: No blame. He meets him without passing by. Going brings danger. One must be on guard. Do not act. Be constantly persevering.
Hardness of character is tempered by yielding position so that no mistakes are made. The situation here calls for extreme caution; one must make no attempt of one’s own initiative to reach the desired end. And if one were to go on, endeavoring one must be on guard and not act but continue inwardly to persevere.

Linje 5
Six in the fifth place means: Dense clouds, No rain from our western territory. The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave.
As a high place is pictured here, the image of a flying bird has become that of flying clouds. But dense as the clouds are, they race across the sky and give no rain. Similarly, in exceptional times there may be a born ruler who is qualified to set the world in order, but who cannot achieve anything or confer blessing on the people because he stands alone and has no helpers. Is such times a man must seek out helpers with whose aid he can carry out the task. But these helpers must be modestly sought out in the retirement to which they have withdrawn. It is not in the fame nor their great names but their genuine achievements that are important. Through such modesty the right man is found, and the exceptional task is carried out in spite of all difficulties.

Øverste linje
Six at the top means: He passes him by, not meeting him. The flying bird leaves him. Misfortune. This means bad luck and injury.
If one overshoots the goal, one cannot hit it. If a bird will not come to its nest but flies higher and higher, it eventually falls into the hunter’s net. He who in times of extraordinary salience of small things does not know how to call a halt, but restlessly seeks to press on and on, draws upon himself misfortune at the hands of gods and men, because he deviates from the order of nature.
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Chien | Tui | Li | Chên | Sun | K’an | Kên | K’un | |
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