I Ching Hexagram nr. 53
Jiàn or Chien – Infiltrating, development, gradual progress, advancement |
![]() Øverst |
Trigram: Sun The Gentle, Wind |
![]() Nederst |
Trigram: Kên Keeping Still, Mountain |
På bjerget, et træ: Billedet af udvikling. Således den overlegne mand bliver i værdighed og dyd, For at forbedre de skikke.
Træet på bjerget er synlig langvejs fra, og dens udvikling påvirker landskabet i hele regionen. Det behøver ikke skyde op som en sump plante; dens vækst forløber gradvist. Således også arbejdet med, der påvirker mennesker kan kun gradvis. Ingen pludselige påvirkning eller opvågnen er varig effekt.
Udviklingen skal gå ganske gradvist, og for at opnå en sådan udvikling i den offentlige mening og i de skikke hos de mennesker, er det nødvendigt for personligheden til at erhverve indflydelse og vægt. Dette kommer til gennem omhyggelig og konstant arbejde på ens egen moralske udvikling.
The Image
On the mountain, a tree: The image of DEVELOPMENT. Thus the superior man abides in dignity and virtue, In order to improve the mores.
The tree on the mountain is visible from afar, and its development influences the landscape of the entire region. It does not shoot up like a swamp plant; its growth proceeds gradually. Thus also the work of influencing people can be only gradual. No sudden influence or awakening is of lasting effect.
Progress must be quite gradual, and in order to obtain such progress in public opinion and in the mores of the people, it is necessary for the personality to acquire influence and weight. This comes about through careful and constant work on one’s own moral development.
I Ching helt enkeltHexagram nr. 53Dette hexagrams billede viser et træ, der vokser højt oppe på en bjergtop. Gror træet for hurtigt, uden først at skyde ordentlig rod, bliver det modtageligt for at blive revet op og ødelagt af vindene. Men etablerer det et solidt fundament og er tilfreds med at vokse gradvist, vil det opnå et langt liv og en imponerende udsigt. Vi mennesker er ikke anderledes. Skønt vi ofte begærer hurtige fremskridt – vi ønsker at ændre éns mening i dag, få en undskyldning nu, opnå alle vore mål øjeblikkeligt – må vi før eller senere lære at forstå, at den eneste varige fremgang er gradvis fremgang. Chien henstiller indtrængende til dig at acceptere denne kendsgerning og basere dine tanker, holdninger og handlinger på den. Når vi har tilladt os selv at blive slået ud af balance af en person eller en begivenhed, frister egoet os til at tro, at vi kan påvirke situationen ved hjælp af magt. Dette er ukorrekt; egoets handlinger komplicerer uundgåeligt vore vanskeligheder. Den størst mulige indflydelse fremkommer altid gennem den tålmodige og støtte forfinelse af éns indre selv. Hvis du vil hellige dig den Vises vej, vil du for hvert eneste skridt langs denne vej blive styrket, og fremgang vil ske automatisk. Den vil være gradvis, men den vil vare ved. Vær tålmodig, beskeden og accepterende nu. Ofte kræver livet, at vi venter længere på en eller anden forandring, end vi måske bryder os om, og den eneste sande trøst til os i disse tider er den viden, at vi urokkeligt udvikler os selv i retning af det højerestående. Med tiden vil alle æresbevisninger komme til dem, der holder ud og er korrekte i deres adfærd. Generelt Det er kun muligt at perfektionere alle detaljer af fremgang, når fremskridt sker stabilt og tålmodigt. Kærlighed Giv dig tid til fordybelse i dit forhold. Gå stabilt og tålmodigt frem. Forretning Du bør tage dig tid til at fokusere på de store og små detaljer i din virksomhed. Personligt Fokusere på enkeltdelene i dit liv for at sætte pris på dets mangfoldighed. |
From the book I Ching. This hexagram is made up of Sun (wood, penetration) above, i.e., without, and Kên (mountain, stillness) below, i.e., within. A tree on a mountain develops slowly according to the law of its being and consequently stands firmly rooted. This gives the idea of a development that proceeds gradually, step by step. The attributes of the trigrams also point to this: within is tranquillity, which guards against precipitate actions, and without is penetration, which makes development and progress possible. |
Dette hexagram består af Sun (træ, penetration) ovenfor, dvs. uden, og Ken (bjerg, stilhed) nedenfor, dvs. inden. Et træ på et bjerg udvikler langsomt efter lovgivningen i den væsen og dermed står fast forankret. Dette giver tanken om en udvikling, der forløber gradvist, trin for trin. Attributterne for trigrammer peger også på dette: indenfor er ro, som beskytter mod bundfald handlinger, og uden er penetration, hvilket gør udvikling og fremskridt muligt. |

Nederste linje
Six at the beginning means: The wild goose gradually draws near the shore. The young son is in danger. There is talk. No blame.
All the individual lines in this hexagram symbolize the gradual flight of the wild goose. The wild goose is the symbol of conjugal fidelity, because it is believed that this bird never takes another mate after the death of the first. The initial line suggests the first resting place in the flight of water birds from the water to the heights. The shore is reached. The situation is that of a lonely young man who is just starting out to make his way in life. Since no one comes to help him, his first steps are slow and hesitant, and he is surrounded by danger. Naturally he is subjected to much criticism. But these very difficulties keep him from being too hasty, and his progress is successful.
De tidlige faser af éns selvudvikling er ofte farvede af ængstelse og tvivl. Lad dig ikke lede af disse mindreværdige elementer. Fasthold det korrekte, og der vil ske fremskridt.

Linje 2
Six in the second place means: The wild goose gradually draws near the cliff. Eating and drinking in peace and concord. Good fortune.
The cliff is a safe place on shore. The development has gone a step further. The initial insecurity has been overcome, and a safe position in life has been found, giving one enough to live on. This first success, opening up a path to activity, brings a certain joyousness of mood, and one goes to meet the future reassured. It is said of the wild goose that it calls to its comrades whenever it finds food; this is the symbol of peace and concord in good fortune. A man does not want to keep his good luck for himself only, but is ready to share it with others.
En gunstig udvikling kan få os til at blive selviske og skødesløse. Del det gode med andre, og forbliv samvittighedsfuld.

Linje 3
Nine in the third place means: The wild goose gradually draws near the plateau. The man goes forth and does not return. The woman carries a child but does not bring it forth. Misfortune. It furthers one to fight off robbers.
The high plateau is dry and unsuitable for the wild goose. If it goes there, it has lost its way and gone too far. This is contrary to the law of development. It is the same in human life. If we do not let things develop quietly but plunge of our own choice too rashly into a struggle, misfortune results. A man jeopardizes his own life, and his family perishes thereby. However, this is not all necessary; it is only the result of transgressing the law of natural development. If one does not willfully provoke a conflict, but confines himself to vigorously maintaining his own position and to warding off unjustified attacks, all goes well.

Linje 4
Six in the fourth place means: The wild goose goes gradually draws near the tree. Perhaps it will find a flat branch. No blame.
A tree is not a suitable place for a wild goose. But if it is clever, it will find a flat branch on which it can get a footing. A man’s life too, in the course of its development, often brings him into inappropriate situations, in which he finds it difficult to hold his own without danger. Then it is important to be sensible and yielding. This enables him to discover a safe place in which life can go on, although he may be surrounded by danger.

Linje 5
Nine in the fifth place means: The wild goose gradually draws near the summit. For three years the woman has no child. In the end nothing can hinder her. Good fortune.
The summit is a high place. In a high position one easily becomes isolated. One is misjudged by the very person on whom one is dependent-the woman by her husband, the official by his superior. This is the work of deceitful persons who have wormed their way in. The result is that relationships remain sterile, and nothing is accomplished. But in the course of further development, such misunderstandings are cleared away, and reconciliation is achieved after all.

Øverste linje
Nine at the top means: The wild goose gradually draws near the clouds heights. Its feathers can be used for the sacred dance. Good fortune.
Here life comes to its end. A man’s work stands completed. The path rises high toward heaven, like the flight of wild geese when they have left the earth far behind. There they fly, keeping to the order of their flight in strict formation. And if their feathers fall, they can serve as ornaments in the sacred dance pantomimes performed in the temples. Thus the life of a man who has perfected himself is a bright light for the people of earth, who look up to him as an example.
Når vi nøje holder os til, hvad der er korrekt, vil den Skabende gerne hjælpe os med alt. Den, der følger denne kurs, vinder verden og tjener som et inspirerende eksempel for sine medmennesker.
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Chien | Tui | Li | Chên | Sun | K’an | Kên | K’un | |
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