
I Ching Hexagram nr. 47

Kùn – Confining, oppression, entangled



Trigram: Tui The Joyous, Lake



Trigram: K’an The Abysmal, Water

Der er ikke vand i søen: Billedet af udmattelse. Således den overlegne mand stakes sit liv på efter hans vilje.

Når vandet er strømmet ud i det følgende, søen tørre op og blive opbrugt. Det er skæbne. Dette symboliserer en negativ skæbne i menneskets liv. I sådanne tider er der intet en mand kan gøre, men finde sig i sin skæbne og forblive tro mod sig selv. Det drejer sig om den dybeste lag af hans væsen, for dette alene er overlegen i forhold til alle eksterne skæbne.

The Image
There is not water in the lake: The image of EXHAUSTION. Thus the superior man stakes his life On following his will.

When the water has flowed out below, the lake must dry up and become exhausted. That is fate. This symbolizes an adverse fate in human life. In such times there is nothing a man can do but acquiesce in his fate and remain true to himself. This concerns the deepest stratum of his being, for this alone is superior to all external fate.

I Ching helt enkelt

Hexagram nr. 47

Dette er undertrykkelsens og opbrugthedens tid. Ingen af os undgår sådanne øjeblikke; de er helt enkelt en del af selve livet. Ved at møde dem i den rigtige ånd og frejdigt bøje af i stedet for at bruse frem rider du stormen af og opnår succes på et senere tidspunkt.

Mindreværdige elementer, enten i éns eget selv, i andre eller verden generelt, bryder nu ind for at holde den højerestående person tilbage. Det er tåbeligt at bekæmpe denne ufrihed; succes er ganske enkelt ikke mulig nu. Frigør dig fra ønsket om fremgang, og vend tilbage til neutralitet og accept. Den stædige forfølgen af resultater vil bringe ulykke.

Over for andre er ro og sindsligevægt øjeblikkets løsen. Sig kun lidt, og sig det blidt. En lignende tilbageholdenhed og blidhed bør anvendes over for dig selv. Spring ikke ud i utålmodighed eller mistillid til Guddommen. Accepter, at den Skabende ofte arbejder på en måde, vi hverken kan se eller fatte.

En følelse af desperation eller depression er tegn på, at du har en falsk overbevisning. At eviggøre en usandhed om dig selv, en anden eller den Vise er at blokere vejen til din egen lykke. Ryk op med rode og bliv enhver idé eller holdning, der forårsager negative følelser, kvit.
Ved at åbne dit sind, berolige dit hjerte og stille fastholde rette principper, gør du det muligt for det Skabende at fjerne den undertrykkelse, der findes for tiden.


Dit mest værdifulde aktiv vil være en følelse af formål.


Tag dig tid til at hjælpe forynge dit forhold i stedet for at fortvivle over det.


Dette er ikke tiden til at træffe vigtige forretningsbeslutninger.


Du bør fokusere på hvile og rekreation.



From the book I Ching.

The lake is above, water below; the lake is empty, dried up. Exhaustion is expressed in yet another way: at the top, a dark line is holding down two light line; below, a light line is hemmed in between two dark ones. The upper trigram belongs to the principle of darkness, the lower to the principle of light. Thus everywhere superior men are oppressed and held in restraint by inferior men.

Søen er over, vandet nedenfor; søen er tom, udtørret. Konsumption udtrykkes på en anden måde: foroven, er en mørk linie holder to lette linje; Nedenfor er en let linie klemt mellem to mørke. Den øverste trigram hører til princippet om mørke, jo lavere til princippet om lys. Således overalt overlegne mænd undertrykkes og holdes i tilbageholdenhed med ringere mænd.

Nederste linje

Six at the beginning means: One sits oppressed under a bare tree And strays into a gloomy valley. For three years one sees nothing.

When adversity befalls a man, it is important above all things for him to be strong and to overcome the trouble inwardly. If he is weak, the trouble overwhelms him. Instead of proceeding on his way, he remains sitting under a bare tree and falls ever more deeply into gloom and melancholy. This makes the situation only more and more hopeless. Such an attitude comes from an inner delusion that he must by all means overcome.

Situationen må mødes indenfor i éns eget selv. At tillade desperationen at tage magten modvirker en løsning. Arbejd på at have en afbalanceret, frejdig og accepterende holdning.

Linje 2

Nine in the second place means: One is oppressed while at meat and drink. The man with the scarlet knee bands is just coming. It furthers one to offer sacrifice. To set forth brings misfortune. No blame.

This pictures a state of inner oppression. Externally, all is well, one has meat and drink. But one is exhausted by the commonplaces of life, and there seems to be no way of escape. Then help comes from a high place. A prince-in ancient China princes wore scarlet knee bands- is in search of able helpers. But there are still obstructions to be overcome. Therefore it is important to meet these obstructions in the visible realm by offerings and prayer. To set forth without being prepared would be disastrous, though not morally wrong. Here a disagreeable situation must be overcome by patience of spirit.

Dit hjerte føles udtømt? Er dette tilfældet, skyldes det utålmodighed og ambition. Notér dig aktivt dine velsignelser, koncentrér dig om indre sandhed, og tillad den Højere Magt at forny din styrke.

Linje 3

Six in the third place means: A man permits himself to be oppressed by stone, And leans on thorns and thistles. He enters the house and does not see his wife. Misfortune.

This shows a man who is restless and indecisive in times of adversity. At first he wants to push ahead, then he encounters obstructions that, it is true, mean oppression only when recklessly dealt with. He butts his head against a wall and in consequence feels himself oppressed by the wall. Then he leans on things that have in themselves no stability and that are merely a hazard for him who leans on them. Thereupon he turns back irresolutely and retires into his house, only to find, as a fresh disappointment, that his wife is not there. Confucius says about this line:

If a man permits himself to be oppressed by something that ought not to oppress him, his name will certainly be disgraced. If he leans on things upon which one cannot lean, his life will certainly be endangered. For him who is in disgrace and danger, the hour of death draws near; how can he then still see his wife?


Linje 4

Nine in the fourth place means: He comes very quietly, oppressed in a golden carriage.
Humiliation, but the end is reached.

A well-to-do man sees the need of the lower classes and would like very much to be of help. But instead of proceeding with speed and energy where their is need, he begins in a hesitant and measured way. Then he encounters obstructions. Powerful and wealthy acquaintances draw him into their circle; he has to do as they do and cannot withdraw from them. Hence he finds himself in great embarrassment. But the trouble is transitory. The original strength of his nature offsets the mistake he has made, and the goal is reached.


Linje 5

Nine in the fifth place means: His nose and feet are cut off. Oppression at the hands of the man with the purple knee bands. Joy comes softly. It furthers one to make offerings and libations.

An individual who has the good of mankind at heart is oppressed from above and below (this is the meaning of the cutting off of nose an defeat). He finds no help among the people whose duty it would be to aid in the work of rescue (ministers wore purple knee bands). But little by little, things take a turn for the better. Until that time, he should turn to God, firm in his inner composure, and pray and offer sacrifice for the general well-being.


Øverste linje

Six at the top means: He is oppressed by creeping vines. He moves uncertainly and says, “Movement brings remorse.” If one feels remorse over this and makes a start, Good fortune comes.

A man is oppressed by bonds that can easily be broken. The distress is drawing to an end. But he is still irresolute; he is still influenced by the previous condition and fears that he may have cause for regret if he makes a move. But as soon as he grasps the situation, changes this mental attitude, and makes a firm decision, he masters the oppression.

Problemet nærmer sig sin afslutning, men kun, hvis man står fast over for forhærdelse, tvivl og desperation. Hjælpen kommer kun, hvor der er husrum for den.





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Chien Tui Li Chên Sun K’an Kên K’un