I Ching Hexagram nr. 39
Jiǎn or Chien – Limping, obstruction, afoot |
![]() Øverst |
Trigram: K’an The Abysmal, Water |
![]() Nederst |
Trigram: Kên Keeping Still, Mountain |
Beskrivelse af billedet
Vand på bjerget: Billedet af obstruktion. Således den overlegne mand vender sin opmærksomhed mod sig selv og forme hans karakter.
Vanskeligheder og forhindringer smide en mand tilbage på ham selv. Mens ringere mand søger at skyde skylden på andre, begræd hans skæbne, den overlegne mand søger fejlen i sig selv, og gennem denne introspektion den eksterne forhindring bliver for ham en anledning til indre berigelse og uddannelse
The Image
Water on the mountain: The image of OBSTRUCTION. Thus the superior man turns his attention to himself And molds his character.
Difficulties and obstructions throw a man back upon himself. While the inferior man seeks to put the blame on other persons, bewailing his fate, the superior man seeks the error within himself, and through this introspection the external obstacle becomes for him an occasion for inner enrichment and education.
I Ching helt enkeltHexagram nr. 39Det gamle udtryk: „At måtte vælge mellem pest og kolera‟ passer på dette hexagram. Du er med andre ord omgivet af hindringer. Hvor meget du end ønsker at bebrejde andre vanskelighederne, ligger den sande hindring efter al sandsynlighed i din egen tænken. Hvad der er brug for nu, er en tilbagetrækning til selvransagelse og -korrektion. Følelser af begær, frygt eller vrede frister dig måske til at skride til handling nu, men lad dig ikke narre. Tilstedeværelsen af disse stærke følelser beviser, at du er ude af balance og har brug for at berolige dig selv. Så længe du med magt prøver at opnå ydre resultater – snarere end omhyggeligt at følge den højere sandhed skridt for skridt – hindres du i at gøre personligt fremskridt. Når som helst vi giver efter for at dømme andre, står vi i vejen for vor egen sjælefred og fremgang. I stedet burde vi vælge at se det bedste i andre, lade dem komme og gå, som de vil, og vende vore energier indad, mod selv-forbedring. Ofte åbenbares faldgruberne i vor egen tænkning kun med andres hjælp. Det vil være vist af dig lige nu at søge råd hos en kvalificeret rådgiver eller sandhedsorienteret ven. Tilbagetrækning, selvransagelse og -korrektion vil fjerne de hindringer, der blokerer vejen for dig nu. Generelt Hvis passiv fremskridt er i øjeblikket umuligt så koncentrere dig om dyrkning dine indre styrker. Kærlighed Det vil være nødvendigt at kigge indad for at lede efter spor til at opbygge et forhold, hvis kærligheden er gået galt. Forretning Du må ikke bebrejde andre for aktuelle forretningsmæssige problemer. I stedet så hør dem for ideer og støtte dem i at overvinde problemerne. Personligt Dette er kun et midlertidigt tilbageslag. Begynd ikke på at have ondt af dig selv. Det er ikke konstruktivt. |
From the book I Ching. The hexagram pictures a dangerous abyss lying before us and a steep, inaccessible mountain rising behind us. We are surrounded by obstacles; at the same time, since the mountain has the attribute of keeping still, there is implicit a hint as to how we can extricate ourselves. The hexagram represents obstructions that appear in the course of time but that can and should be overcome. Therefore all the instruction given is directed to overcoming them. |
Hexagrammet viser en farlig afgrund liggende foran os og en stejl, utilgængelige bjerg stiger bag os. Vi er omgivet af forhindringer; på samme tid, da bjerget har den egenskab ved at holde stille, er der implicit en antydning om, hvordan vi kan frigøre os selv. Den hexagram repræsenterer forhindringer, der vises i løbet af tiden, men der kan og skal overvindes. Derfor skal alle anvisningerne er rettet mod at overvinde dem. |

Nederste linje
Six at the beginning means: Going leads to obstructions, Coming meets with praise.
When one encounters an obstruction, the important thing is to reflect on how best to deal with it. When threatened with danger, one should not strive blindly to go ahead, for this only leads to complications. The correct thing is, on the contrary, to retreat for the time being, not in order to give up the struggle but to await the right moment for action.
Gør ikke modstand eller gå frem mod vanskelighederne. Ved at trække dig tilbage og iagttage kan du lære en vigtig lektie. Derpå bliver det let at bevæge sig fremad.

Linje 2
Six in the second place means: The King’s servant is beset by obstruction upon obstruction, But it is not his own fault.
Ordinarily it is best to go around an obstacle and try to overcome it along the line of least resistance. But there is one instance in which a man must go out to meet the trouble, even though difficulty piles upon difficulty: this is when the path of duty leads directly to it-in other words, when he cannot act of his own volition but is duty bound to go and seek out danger in the service of a higher cause. Then he may do it without compunction, because it is not through any fault of his that he is putting himself in this difficult situation.
De nuværende vanskeligheder er ikke din skyld. Du skal på den anden side heller ikke påtage dig at straffe andre. Acceptér, lad dommen falde og gør simpelthen, hvad der er korrekt.

Linje 3
Nine in the third place means: Going leads to obstructions; Hence he comes back.
While the preceding line shows the official compelled by duty to follow the way of danger, this line shows the man who must act as father of a family or as head of his kin. If he were to plunge recklessly in to danger, it would be a useless act, because those entrusted to his care cannot get along by themselves. But if he withdraws and turns back to his own, they welcome him with great joy.

Linje 4
Six in the fourth place means: Going leads to obstructions, Coming leads to union.
This too describes a situation that cannot be managed single-handed. In such a case the direct way is not the shortest. If a person were to forge ahead on his own strength and without the necessary preparations, he would not find the support he needs and would realize too late that he has been mistaken in his calculations, inasmuch as the conditions on which he hoped he could rely would prove to be inadequate. In this case it is better, therefore, to hold back for the time being and to gather together trustworthy companions who can be counted upon for help in overcoming the obstructions.

Linje 5
Nine in the fifth place means: In the midst of the greatest obstructions, Friends come.
Here we see a man who is called to help in an emergency. He should not seek to evade the obstructions, no matter how dangerously they pile up before him. But because he is really called to the task, the power of his spirit is strong enough to attract helpers whom he can effectively organize, so that through the well-directed co-operation of all participants the obstruction is overcome.

Øverste linje
Six at the top means: Going leads to obstructions, Coming leads to great good fortune. It furthers one to see the great man.
This refers to a man who has already left the world and its tumult behind him. When the time of obstructions arrives, it might seem that the simplest thing for him to do would be to turn his back upon the world and take refuge in the beyond. But this road is barred to him. He must not seek his own salvation and abandon the world to its adversity. Duty calls him back once more into the turmoil of life. Precisely because of his experience and inner freedom, he is able to create something both great and complete that brings good fortune. And it is favorable to see the great man in alliance with whom one can achieve the work of rescue.
Vend ikke ryggen til, når der er brug for dig. Den højerestående person udøver sin højere natur nu og redder ikke blot sig selv, men også andre omkring sig.
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Chien | Tui | Li | Chên | Sun | K’an | Kên | K’un | |
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