I Ching Hexagram nr. 11
Tài – Pervading, peace, greatness. |
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Himmel og jord forenes: billedet af Fred.
Himmel og jord er i kontakt og kombinere deres kræfter så der skabes en tid med universelt blomstring og velstand. Denne strøm af energi skal reguleres af herskeren. Det sker ved en proces med division (fordeling). Således mænd opdele ensartet strøm af tid i årstiderne, ifølge rækken af naturfænomener, og marker længden uendelig plads ved de punkter i kompasset. På den måde naturen i sin overvældende mangfoldighed af fænomener er begrænset og kontrolleret. På den anden side skal naturen fremmes i hendes produktivitet. Dette gøres ved at justere produkterne til det rigtige tidspunkt og det rigtige sted, hvilket forøger den naturlige udbytte. Denne kontrollerende og videreudvikle aktivitet af mennesket i sit forhold til naturen er arbejdet med naturen, der belønner ham.
The Image
Heaven and earth unite: the image of Peace. Thus the ruler divides and completes the course of heaven and earth, and so aids the people.
Heaven and earth are in contact and combine their influences, producing a time of universal flowering and prosperity. This stream of energy must be regulated by the ruler of men. It is done by a process of division. Thus men divide the uniform flow of time into the seasons, according to the succession of natural phenomena, and mark off infinite space by the points of the compass. In this way nature in its overwhelming profusion of phenomena is bounded and controlled. One the other hand, nature must be furthered in her productiveness. This is done by adjusting the products to the right time and the right place, which increases the natural yield. This controlling and furthering activity of man in his relation to nature is the work on nature that rewards him.
I Ching helt enkeltHexagram nr. 11Stor, eminent, rigelig, velstående, frugtbar. Dette hexagram viser en tid, der ligner foråret: Der er en stærk energistrøm, og harmoni og fremgang er belønningen for dem, der korrekt afbalancerer deres højere og lavere naturer. Det er ved at forblive bevidst om vort mindreværdige selv, mens vi samtidig sikrer os, at vort højerestående styrer vores adfærd, at vi opnår en tilstand af fred. Se dig selv som et ungt træ nu. Jorden omkring dig er frugtbar; der er rigeligt med sol, vand og vind. Ved til stadighed at fokusere på at bevæge dig opad mod lys, klarhed og renhed, kan du nå de store højder. Bliver du viklet ind i mindreværdige ting, vil du ikke opnå den fulde glæde af denne nådetime. Forbliv afbalanceret, uskyldsren og korrekt, og du sikrer dig en gunstig skæbne. Det små går og det store kommer. Der bliver god lykke og succes. En lille indsats nu vil give stort udbytte. Dette gælder i personlige forhold, men især hvis din forespørgsel vedrører et forretningsanliggende. I en tid med fred og ro kan ting lykkes. Generelt: Selvom tiderne er harmonisk, bør du ikke tage dem for givet. Prøv at forstå, hvorfor harmonien er der. Kærlighed: Dit forhold skal behandles med respekt og venlighed. Forretning: Din nuværende succes bør analyseres for at se, hvordan det gik til. Personligt: Gør en god gerning. |
From the book I Ching – translated to German by Richard Wilhelm (1873-1930), then to english by Cary Fink Baynes (1883-1977) and Irene Eber. Copyright renewed by Princeton University Press 1977. The Receptive, which moves downward, stands above; the Creative, which moves upward, is below. Hence their influences meet and are in harmony, so that all living things bloom and prosper. This hexagram belongs to the first month (February-March), at which time the forces of nature prepare the new spring. |
Den modtagelig, som bevæger sig nedad, står over; kreativiteten, der bevæger sig opad, er nedenfor. Dermed deres indflydelse mødes og er i harmoni, så alle levende ting blomstre og trives. Hexagrammet tilhører den første måned (februar-marts), på hvilket tidspunkt naturens kræfter forbereder den nye forår. |

Nederste linje
Nine at the beginning means: When ribbon grass is pulled up, the sod comes with it. Each according to his kind. Undertakings bring good fortune.
In times of prosperity every able man called to fill an office draws like minded people along with him, just as in pulling up ribbon grass one always pulls up a bunch of it, because the stalks are connected by their roots. In such times, when it is possible to extend influence widely, the mind of an able man is set upon going out into life and accomplishing something.
Du tiltrækker andre med mål der ligner dine. Og du kan gøre dem stor gavn.

Linje 2
Nine in the second place means: Bearing with the uncultured in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, Not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one’s companions: Thus one may manage to walk in the middle.
In times of prosperity it is important and above all to possess enough greatness of soul to bear with imperfect people. For in the hands of a great master no material is unproductive; he can find use for everything. But this generosity is by no means laxity or weakness. It is during times of prosperity especially that we must always be ready to risk even dangerous undertakings, such as the crossing of a river, if they are necessary. So too we must not neglect what is distant but must attend scrupulously to everything. Factionalism and the dominance of cliques are especially to be avoided. Even if people of like mind come forward together, they ought not to form a faction by holding together for mutual advantage; instead, each man should do is duty. Theses are four ways in which one can overcome the hidden danger of a gradual slackening that always lurks in any time of peace. And that is how one finds the middle way for action.
Vær overbærende med de ukultiverede. Der er en svær opgave som du må påtage dig. Undgå at blive trukket væk fra en passende kurs.

Linje 3
Nine in the third place means: No plain not followed by a slope. No going not followed by a return. He who remains persevering in danger is without blame. Do not complain about this truth; Enjoy the good fortune you still possess.
Everything on earth is subject to change. Prosperity is followed by decline: this is the eternal law on earth. Evil can indeed be held in check but not permanently abolished. It always returns. This conviction might induct melancholy, but it should not; it ought only to keep us from falling into illusion when good fortune comes to us. If we continue mindful of the danger, we remain persevering and make no mistakes. As long as a man’s inner nature remains stronger and richer than anything offered by external fortune, as long as he remains inwardly superior to fate, fortune will not desert him.
Ingen fred varer evigt. Der vil komme større besværligheder. Lad dig ikke gå på af det, og nyd at det stadig går godt.

Linje 4
Six in the fourth place means: He flutters down, not boasting of his wealth, Together with his neighbor, guileless and sincere.
In times of mutual confidence, people of high rank come in close contact with the lowly quite simply and without boasting of their wealth. This is not due to the force of circumstances but corresponds with their inmost sentiment. The approach is made quite spontaneously, because it is based on inner conviction.
Tendens til at flagre. Du bruger ikke din styrke. Tilgengæld er der mulighed for at benytte sig af andres hjælp.

Linje 5
Six in the fifth place means: The sovereign I gives his daughter in marriage. And supreme good fortune.
The sovereign I is T’ang the Completer. By his decree the imperial princesses, although higher in rank than their husbands, had to obey them like all other wives. Here too we are shown a truly modest union of high and low that brings happiness and blessings.
Her kaldes på beskedenhed. Ved at undlade at kræve den respekt som egentlig tilkommer dig, kan du opnå nære forbindelser og opnå meget succes.

Øverste linje
Six at the top means: The wall falls back into the moat, use no army now. Make your commands known within your own town. Perseverance brings humiliation.
The change alluded to in the middle of the hexagram has begun to take place. The wall of the town sinks back into the moat from which it was dug. The hour of doom is at hand. When matters have come to this pass, we should submit to fate and not try to stave it off by violent resistance. The one recourse left us is to hold our own within our intimate circle. Should we persevere in trying to resist the evil in the usual way, our collapse would only be more complete, and humiliation would be the result.
En nedgang er startet. Du har ikke indflydelse på de forhold som styrer det. Forlig dig med det og støt dig til dine nærmeste. Hvis du forsøger at bekæmpe nedgangen, vil det blot gøre sagen værre.
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Chien | Tui | Li | Chên | Sun | K’an | Kên | K’un | |
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